Saturday, November 7, 2009

Letting go of Weaknesses

Throughout life we are encouraged to work on our weaknesses in order to improve them – get better. Visualize a cat being slowly lowered into a tub full of water. With great time and effort, we may get to the point of tolerance, possibly even mediocrity.

However, a weakness will never become a strength!

That fact may be utterly abhorrent to some . . . like those who always advise to work on weaknesses. The reality is that we are all created with specific talents that we are naturally good at, and since it is impossible to be good at everything, there are areas that we are "not so good" at. Research by organizations such as Gallup, have discovered that when you work on those areas, or talents, where you have natural strengths, you will see exponential growth. The reason is because of the potential: natural talent = high potential, limited talent = low potential.

The result of the worlds programming is that we have become acutely aware of our weaknesses, but ignorant of our strengths. Take a minute and mentally list your strengths. Now do the same for your weaknesses. Which came easier? I find most people have trouble coming up with even one strength – and this is not because they are modest.

Now, visualize a cat discovering that there is a mouse in the room.

Spending time trying to improve your weakness is unproductive, frustrating and wearisome.

Energy directed at your natural talents and strengths is constructive, inspiring and exhilarating.

Photo by: kia storm


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