Saturday, September 26, 2009

Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words. What we do means infinitely more than what we say. Actions back and support what we say or believe. It has been estimated that 97% of communication is non-verbal. Consider two real life examples.


Canadian delegates walk out of UN in protest as the leader of Iran begins his speech. The message is clear. Others follow. Words: unnecessary.


Al Gore, environmental activist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, establishes a legacy on the proclamation of the destruction that mankind is doing to the environment, but lives in a home that uses twice as much electricity as an average U.S. household uses in an entire year. The message is contradictory. Words: hypocritical.

Regardless of your opinion on these issues, which is the better example of leadership?

"We must become the change we want to see." Mahatma Gandhi



  1. Nice post. Action vs. words. Age old wisdom. The website, has an interesting read though, about Gore's house now...

  2. Thanks Marty.
    I read the article you cited - too little too late would be my opinion.
    I have always said that: "people who live in glass houses . . . should wear underwear."
