Sunday, July 4, 2010


Modern day sophisticated aircraft have the ability to fly and land without any pilot intervention. They are able to do this through the use of systems commonly referred to as autopilot, which can actually fly an aircraft better than a human, generate better fuel economy and land in foggy conditions with zero visibility.

The benefits of autopilot in an aircraft are many: increased situational awareness, more resources available for airspace surveillance, reduced crew workload and fatigue levels, improved accuracy, efficiency and reduced costs. Autopilot creates exponential increases in productivity in the airline industry.

Leaders create systems of autopilot for similar benefits within their organization. This is always in the form of extending responsibility and authority or empowering people to make decisions and deal with virtually any situation. Effective leaders find ways to reduce the need for their presence and intervention, measuring success in this pursuit by reduced interruptions. They become increasingly irrelevant by enabling others to take care of the business.

Autopilot allows the pilot to take a break, even leave to cockpit, without worrying about the path of the aircraft. If you are overwhelmed and find it hard to take a break and catch your breath, I suggest that you begin working on automating your business.


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