Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time to Think

Recently, I missed doing something that is obvious and has always been second nature to me. Upon reflection considering how I could overlook this simple but important detail, it was immediately apparent – too busy! Too many priorities, emails, initiatives, problems, phone calls and meetings. Have you ever found yourself happy for the night only because you know the rest of your world is not at work and likely won't call or send an email?

The only reason I was able to identify the problem — slap myself in the face to get out of the hypnotic state of executing busy work — was that I reflected. I took some time, if only a brief moment, to think. Leaders must set aside time to think. This is not a suggestion of a good idea, it's mandatory and failure to do so will stagnate all upward progress – you will merely be a manager of other's initiatives and requests. And, sorry to be the one to break it to you — if this represents your life — they can pay someone a lot less money to do what you are doing.

Rags-to-riches millionaire and philanthropist Peter Daniels has created successful ventures around the world. In The Power of Focus, authors Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt write, "When asked what turned his life from triple indebtedness to unprecedented success, he (Peter Daniels) replied, 'I scheduled time to think. In fact, I reserve one day a week on my calendar just to think. All of my greatest ideas, opportunities and money-making ventures started with the days I took off to think.'"

 The first step toward providing regular time to think is to give yourself permission: it is ok not to fill up your entire day – it is ok to schedule time that has no tangible or measurable activity other than to spend time pondering, reflecting, brainstorming and dreaming.
The next challenge is to eliminate all distractions . . . perhaps this is why some of my best thinking is done while in the shower. Watch now someone will come up with a waterproof Blackberry.